Search engines are now the go-to platforms for meeting any search requests off of the internet. But does one search engine category fit all needs?
Two of the Search Engines in question discussed in this article are Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Positioning (SEP). SEOs focus on promoting your website to be more and more available in the searches and appear often when keywords are searched for. SEPs narrow the search down to specific pages with the desired content being the first ones to show up when related keywords are entered.
To know more about these engines and the differences between them, read the article below!
What is Search Engine Optimization?
Search Engine Optimization makes searches accurate and exactly meet the needs of the searchers. It ensures that each time a person enters words or phrases, exact answers to the requirement show up in the least amount of time.
The lesser the words entered in the search bar, the more accurate results are likely to show up. The more number of times your web page shows up accurately in a search, the better attracted your business customers are likely to be.
How does SEO work?
SEO works by making an index of the available information on various websites and bringing them together for better operation. The three main steps of the SEOs mechanism are Crawling, Indexing and Ranking. They do these in the following way:
- Web pages publish various content on a regular basis.
- Search operations such as Bing and Google view the web pages (using bots they crawl on these pages) and collect information.
- Search engines use different algorithms to search ranks on the pages and determine specific placements for them.
- An index is created by the search engines of the pages.
- Finally, the engine displays your website containing information on the related topic or matching keywords.
Search bots make the rankings and select display preferences depending on the user’s experiences. Using the information gathered, the bots use estimates to make lists in a way that the user is most likely to benefit from the results and get their desired searches in the shortest possible time.
What is Search Engine Positioning?
Positioning rankings in search engines is the dynamic process of reviewing web pages time and again to gain more and more results with each search using the web. It is a subset of SEO wherein specific pages, instead of whole websites are viewed for accurate information that matches the need of people using search tools to boost their SEO efforts.
SEPs are important tools with advancements in search tools makes quickly in the past couple of years. Latest searches for a specific topic using tools such as Bing and Google don’t just display links in blue that lead to websites and webpages. Nowadays, a series of links appear for each search including “People also ask”, “Video results”, “Top stories”, “Featured snippets” and “Knowledge graphs”. This means increased competition exists for any webpage to make its way to the top of the list.
Going higher up the SEP is inclusive of maximizing the “SERP real estate” which means placement on the highest rank on the search page with the highest number of repeats. This can be done by a number of ways to ensure your web content reaches the target audience in the least of time. To do this, following the list below is important.
- Freshen up your content to keep up with standards: Make sure your page is recognized as number one or two by Google when used in searches, and make sure it stays there. View the content most beloved by your visiting audience and work to make it relevant and engaging. View your page’s performance and sort out keywords mostly used accordingly.
- Keep the audience engaged by showing everything available on your website: This is done by interlinking your pages using hyperlinks that point to different content on your website.
- Know Google’s ways: Google makes use of the Click Through Rate (CTR) for providing relevant search results. It sorts out relevant and irrelevant data accordingly. Increasing your average CTR and average positing percentage will allow Google to know that your pages are relevant and contain content that audiences wish to see. This way, the probability of your clicks and page visitors will increase drastically.
- Use the same keyword to get multiple results: This is categorized and an advanced feature, but it is good to know. This technique means the number of times your page pops up in the links list Kpage available for different users to view is a great technique to make them invest in the content and increase their desire to visit the page.
How does SEP work?
SEPs work much in the same way as SEOs, with more focus on the particular web pages in question. The following steps are followed when SEP is in function:
- Web crawl to find out the existing information.
- Making an index of all information and pages gathered.
- Search Engine Results Page (SERP) makes available pages the engine things are relevant to the user’s query.
- Display web pages in order of expected preference.
A number of factors go into the thinking behind the final display from the SEP. These include:
Locating keywords from title tags, meta descriptions, and URLs. | The geographical location of the searcher | Users search history | Frequency keywords usage |
Related topics and synonyms keywords | Authenticity of website | Backlinks to other pages and websites | Mobile-friendliness and loading speeds |
Search Engine Positioning is a subsection of Search Engine Optimization. You cannot have a SEP without having an SEO. All SEPs can be categorized under SEOs, but all SEOs are not SEPs.
SEOs focus on promoting websites as a whole. They are best used for expanding businesses and bringing important URLs to the light where maximum audience engagement can be made. SEPs are made after the establishment of a well-rounded and audience-engaged SEO is in place.
What are Search Engines?
Search Engines are programs that help find information that people are in need of using phrases or keywords entered in the search bar. They quickly scan the millions of web pages and websites in search of similar words and phrases and display a number of accurate results in a very short time.
Search engines focus on gathering an audience and directing them towards your website in an attempt to keep interested individuals hooked to the website’s contents.
How do Search Engines rank results?
Search engines focus on displaying results that are most likely to be clicked and viewed, making them slightly biased towards some typical influences. The most important factors include:
- Backlinks: Backlinks act as bridges between different websites and the content they offer. The frequency of visits to the linked pages and the original page influences the number of times these pages are shown to the interested audiences.
- Keywords: The lesser and more accurate keywords entered in each search the better the outcome will be. Excess words in the search bar lead to less accurate pages being visible in the search.
- Users: Google makes use of their user’s history and locations to make the search relevant and according to the most likely needs of the user.
- Content: The quality and quantity of information on each page are thoroughly analyzed by Google and its frequency of display is altered accordingly.
Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Positioning are both important internet search engine optimization processes, without which results from searches would be nearly impossible to obtain. How to make the best use of these tools is best known from practice and increasing frequency of use. It is highly recommended to view websites and pages in light of these search tools to know what works best and how and where to improve your work.