It almost seems like everyone has a website today. From personal blogs to corporate portals, an online presence is vital to success. Having an idea about the kind of content to create in vastly important. However, there is more to success than merely having a good idea.
Many facets will contribute to the success of a website regardless of its content or niche. In order to truly get a leg up in the digital world, it all starts with the web host provider. Here are five important tips to consider when choosing which web hosting service is ideal.
1. Know What Is Needed for the Project
There is a very long list of different kinds of services for hosting a website. Shared, dedicated, delivery networks and more all play into the functionality and capabilities of a website. It’s imperative to know which of these services is needed for any given project.
For example, many large corporations prefer dedicated server hosting. This is because the resources are specifically focused on the corporation’s online activity. Instead of sharing things like memory and processing power, all of those components work to improve performance of one single organization.
This isn’t saying that shared hosting is not a vital part of website design. Sharing a server is often a much cheaper way to go because many websites can fit on a single server. Unfortunately, this also means that heavy traffic to a single website can directly affect all of the others.
One way to get around speed issues is to use a Content Delivery Network, such as CloudFlare. Services like these can enhance performance by sharing the website with local servers across the globe. Instead of a visitor in Las Vegas trying to access a website hosted in Australia, the individual could be accessing it from Las Vegas itself. This helps reduce the latency issues regarding distance.
2. Find Excellent Customer Support
Good customer service can go a long way when it comes to any company. In fact, a lot of people would pay extra for services that are superior as opposed to other companies. The hardest part is finding companies that put such a high regard in customer satisfaction.
One way to find out more about a company is by taking to the Internet. Reading reviews, using search terms such as “complaints” and even going onto social media can be of great help. If there is one thing you can count on people to do when faced with poor service it’s complain about it on the Internet.
Look for a company that offers various ways to communicate. Chat, phone and email are usually a must in a fast-paced world such as this one. Make sure the web hosting provider has all of these methods available.
3. Make Sure a Backup Plan is Available
In the event of a disaster, it’s imperative to have a plan for regular backups. Whether it’s nature or the human element, a lot can happen to a website. Being able to recover from such issues can make a huge impact on success. This is especially true while offering eCommerce or other services.
Some systems and website hosting options can be accessorized with backup strategies. For instance, WordPress hosting after installing a backup plugin can offer a great deal of protection in the worst-case scenario. Since there are many of these to choose from, developers can feel at ease.
What about hosting that doesn’t involve WordPress? Make sure that the provider has a solid plan of recovery in the event of a serious hacking threat or if the facility suffers damage from a natural disaster. When things go badly, the last thing a company wants is to have its website down for an extended period of time.
4. Find Out About Security Features
Most web hosting providers will have some kind of security available on their networks. However, not everyone will use the top in industry standards. This is usually because of the price tag that comes with high-end firewalls and protection devices.
Every website that is available on the Internet can be subjected to malicious attacks. Even the smallest of businesses can be a target. Not all hackers are looking to steal information. Some will simply use the website to host their own page for nefarious purposes. All it takes is a security breach to make this happen.
Luckily, there are multitudes of ways to protect a website from direct attacks. Everything from Secure Socket Layer support to security plugins for content management systems is available online. On the other hand, a strong network by a hosting provider can greatly reduce the risks of losing data or becoming the site of a fake government page looking to steal financial data.
5. It’s Not Always About Price
Many people will focus on a particular web host simply because it’s affordable. The most important thing to remember is that cheap doesn’t mean effective. In many cases, it’s the exact opposite. When hosting services are ultra-low in comparison to others, there is a reason.
Some things that can reduce the price of hosting include: lack of options, lack of proper security and a lack of growth potential. All of these need to be weighed in order to find a hosting provider that is cost efficient for specific needs. If unlimited space is not a requirement, it may alter the amount of money needed to keep the website live.
A lot of hosting companies will offer discounts on services for paying in advance. If a temporary site is needed, then this option isn’t realistic. If the site’s owner has intention to grow and develop over time, then paying in advance to get the better price is more ideal. However, a good price for three years of service doesn’t really mean much if the host is void of the bells and whistles that can boost success.
In conclusion…
According to experts, “Content is King.” That is because it’s this material that will drive traffic. However, poor hosting solutions can put a damper on that success. Consider the options carefully and choose a carrier that will help success rather than hinder it. Sometimes it’s worth the extra time to find a quality service that contributes to overall success.